TikTok has surpassed the boundaries of a platform to watch fun music albums and dance videos. It has now become an online community with a vocabulary of its own. The users on TikTok are making effective use of this new lingo to express themselves clearly, creating exclusive and interesting slangs. This can initially pose a challenge for people joining TikTok as they might feel confused due to not knowing the several acronyms used on the app.
One such term that is confusing users is the term “AS”. When using TikTok, it is not uncommon to come across this hashtag. If you are confused about what it means, don’t worry! This article will cover the meaning of “AS” in detail!
What Does “AS” Mean on TikTok
“AS” on TikTok stands for Adult Swim. It is an extremely viral trend on TikTok, having received a whooping 6.9 billion views at the time of writing this article. that involves users creating their own unique versions of the famous Adult Swim bumpers. The nature of such content is often abstract and absurd and can be quite creative.
Most videos go on quite normally, discussing a particular topic when all of a sudden the Adult Swim logo is sneaked in! This style pays homage to the original Adult Swim bumpers, which were quite similar and humorous in nature. Some users can get quite creative with it! Here is our favorite TikTok video that will demonstrate to you what the #as trend is!
@infortniteimillyrock come on guys #greenscreenvideo #greenscreen #vano3000 #as #adultswim #anyways #adultswimbump ♬ Running Away – VANO 3000 & BADBADNOTGOOD & Samuel T. Herring
What is Adult Swim
A lot of you may be familiar with what Adult Swim is, but for those who are not, Adult Swim is a block of programming on the cable network Cartoon Network that airs late at night. It’s called Adult Swim because the shows that air during this block are intended for adult audiences, rather than children.

It initially started off as a way for Cartoon Network to experiment with ideas and shows that it could not show on its daytime broadcast. However, with time and due to their shows striking a chord with teenagers and young adults alike, Adult Swim grew in popularity, launching on its own in 2001.
Some of the shows on Adult Swim are animated, like the massively popular cartoon “Rick and Morty” or “The Boondocks,” and some are live-action, like “The Eric Andre Show”. Adult Swim is known for its unconventional, dark and often surreal sense of humor, and the shows that air during this block tend to be more absurd or offbeat than what you might see on other networks. Some shows even contain intense violence, colorful language as well as sexual themes.

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What Are Adult Swim Bumpers Like
One of the iconic things about Adult Swim, apart from their amazing shows, are their memorable bumpers. These bumpers, or “bumps” for short, were often played before and after commercial breaks. Most of these bumpers are quite simple in nature, containing white text on a black background.
The content was quite random and unpredictable. While some bumpers are quite humorous, others could comment on current events, opinions from their staff or even responses to questions from the viewers (in their on-brand sarcastic and humorous way, of course).
Here is a collection of Adult Swim bumpers that are sure to make you laugh while giving you an idea of what they are like!
The History of the [AS] Trend on TikTok
The history of this trend can be traced back to the TikTok user @supvano, who goes by the name VANO 3000 online. Vano started off by posting videos of him making musical beats on TikTok. His music found an audience, which helped him build quite a following on TikTok.
In 2021, on May 23rd, Vano made a TikTok of him eating a sandwich. The TikTok featured a beat that he had made himself. It involved some bits of the song Time Moves Slow by BADBADNOTGOOD. A lot of users found the beat quite appealing at that time.
@supvano Mukbang with VANO 3000 (short version) 🕊#mukbang #nyc #fyp #4u #viral ♬ Running Away – VANO 3000 & BADBADNOTGOOD & Samuel T. Herring
However, what really propelled it into the spotlight of TikTok was the video he made on May 24, where he shot a video of someone in a Spiderman costume, using the same beat again. At the end of the video, he snuck in the Adult Swim Logo. And with that, a trend was born.
@supvano Spider man acting boujee 👁👄👁 🤷♂️🕊 #adultswim #commercial #spiderman #fyp #4u #vano3000 #nyc ♬ Running Away – VANO 3000 & BADBADNOTGOOD & Samuel T. Herring
Adult Swim Has Acknowledged the Trend as Well!
Adult Swim is well aware of the trend on TikTok and made a video acknowledging it on the platform as well. Their video follows the trend as well, sneaking in their logo on the video while it states that they appreciate their users talking back to them in the same way they have been doing for so long and encourages everyone to keep going!
@adultswim We see you #adultswim #adultswimbump #vano3000 ♬ Running Away – VANO 3000 & BADBADNOTGOOD & Samuel T. Herring
And there you have it, all the information you need to decode what the “AS” trend is. Now you can join your friends on TikTok instead of feeling left out. Or better yet, why not join the trend and make a TikTok yourself? Whatever you do, we hope that our article has helped you in understanding what the “AS” trend is.
[as] is the logo of the famous nighttime programming called Adult Swim. The Adult Swim meme. It involves making videos while sneaking in the Adult Swim logo.
Adult Swim on TikTok refers to the popular Adult Swim trend, where users make videos while sneaking in Adult Swim’s logo.
What is the definition of “AS” as per Urban Dictionary?
Urban Dictionary defines AS as an acronym for Adult Swim, a TV Channel that appeared at night after Cartoon Network.